The Power of Colour in Our Lives

rainbow  in blue sky with tree

The Science of Colour

Chromotherapy is the science of using colours to adjust body vibrations to frequencies that result in health and harmony. Each colour possesses frequencies of a specific vibration, and each vibration is related to different physical symptoms.

An imbalance of any of those colours can manifest itself in physical and mental symptoms. Colour therapy works on various energy points to help balance your body via the full spectrum of visible light, each colour addressing a distinct need.

Our Saunas at SWEAT X WONDER are installed with customisable Chromotherapy that you can activate, alter or switch off to completely individualise your sauna bathing ritual.

Explore the Benefits

  • PINK: Activates & eliminates impurities from blood stream.

  • VIOLET: Acts as a cleanser, strengthening the veins & arteries.

  • PURPLE: Relaxes lymphatic system. Treats imflammation/urinary illness.

  • TURQUOISE: Treats eye problems, cataracts, glaucoma, or nasal bleeds.

  • INDIGO: Lubricates joints. Treats infections, stress & nervous tension.

  • DARK BLUE: Stimulates muscle/skin cells, nerve & circulatory system.

  • LIGHT BLUE: Acts as a nerve relaxant.

  • GREEN: Provides anti-infectious, anti-septic & regenerative stimulation.

  • YELLOW: Purifies skin; helps with indigestion & body distress.

  • GOLD: Strenghtens the body & acts on internal tissues.

  • RED: Activates the circulatory & nervous systems.

  • ORANGE: Burns fat; treats asthma & bronchitis.

Dive Deeper

Next time you sauna bathe, why not choose to explore the varied health benefits of chemotherapy and colour to enhance your ritual. Want to know more? Check out this interesting research paper on colour therapy.


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